Thursday, December 19, 2013

Simple Snacks

Even before starting this lifestyle change, snacking was never something I was very good at keeping up with. I either forgot to eat it, or ate too much. Now, following Jamie Eason's eating plan, I am eating 3 meals a day with 2 snacks. It seemed like I was eating so much food in the beginning, but after the first couple of days my body really started to crave food every 2-3 hours like it should. Before, I could go almost an entire day without eating anything- this is horrible for you (if you were not aware, when you skip a meal your body goes into starvation mode, so the next meal you eat will be stored longer because your body is uncertain of when your next meal will be). By eating every 2-3 hours you help boost your metabolism, which is what you want when trying to lose weight! Here are a few snacks that I have been eating the past few weeks.
  • PB2 is a great alternative to regular peanut butter. It is 45 calories for 2 TBSP vs. regular peanut butter which can have 150-200 calories for the same amount. With PB2 the peanuts are processed to remove the fat and oil to turn it into a powder. (If you prefer the creamy version, just add water!) I love to use PB2 with my fruit, sometimes I just sprinkle the powder on top. It is also amazing in protein shakes! They come in regular and chocolate flavor :)
  • Are you a ranch dressing lover? Get some plain Greek yogurt (great source of protein) and mix in a little dry ranch seasoning. I promise it tastes (almost) exactly the same. It is such an easy swap to make without having to sacrifice taste.
  • I am addicted to chips and dip...if I could eat it everyday I would. I found that I can mix a little Greek yogurt with an avocado and add some lime and salt & pepper (Voila! Guacamole!) a little bit of this dip and some blue corn tortilla chips are a great way to satisfy that mexican food craving.
  • Pretzel crisps are seriously the best thing in the entire world. I love regular pretzels, but I get lost while eating them and suddenly the entire bag is gone and I am still starving (and bloated from all the sodium). With pretzel crisps I can portion out 10 and that can hold me over until my next meal, these are amazing with hummus (which coincidentally is also amazing for you). Chickpeas are high in fiber and protein, both of which are great for helping you feel full!
Happy Snacking Everyone!
XOXO- Kathie

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