Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 1 - OUCH!

Yesterday was an interesting day for me, not only was it the first day of starting Jamie Eason's Live Fit program, but I also was bit in the face by a dog and had to have several stitches in my nose....needless to say I am feeling all of it today...That should be a testament to how hard I worked out on Monday..what hurts worse? dog bite or sore muscles? Today I wanted to give everyone a little breakdown of the program I am following. As I said in my previous post it is a 12 week program, but this isn't something you do for 12 weeks and then slip back into your old ways. This is for life. The program is broken down into 3 phases.

Phase One:
This phase is completely about building muscle (there is no cardio during this phase) I know as a female I am constantly worried about not wanting to lift too much for fear of bulking up, but if there has one thing I have learned from being a health major it is the importance of strength training for your bones. For those who do not know,osteoporosis is more common in women. Like I said before, I am a 22 year old woman right now, but I will never be as young as I am right now in this moment.

During this phase you will lift 4 days a week. Yesterday was chest and tricep day, my workout included:
-Wide pushups
-Narrow pushups
-Bench press
-Tricep Extensions
-Tricep Pushdowns
-Dumbbell Flyes
*I did 3 sets of each at 60% of my max weight
*For video demonstrations of each of these workouts go to:


  1. Kathie, Joe and I often say that you are one of the most beautiful girls we know, and we both mean from the inside out. You are gorgeous and your spirit glowing. I am proud of you in this journey also. It is extremely hard I know, but it's great you are figuring it out now! I am 34 with diabetes and that is probably the only thing that would have prompted me to take control, and wow how much better I feel! Love you girl! Keep it up!

  2. Proud of you Kathie. Love your blogs, count me in as a follower! I lost 20lbs last year and at 40 it wasn't much fun. You are right it takes hard work and making the time... glad to see you aren't sugar coating it! You go girl!

  3. Thank you, Lori! You always know what to say to make me feel awesome!
