Monday, December 2, 2013


First post:

I have always felt that I was big, even when I was at my lowest weight in high school. Now almost 50 pounds heavier I feel as if I have completely let myself down... It was easier in high school, I was involved with dance and track and spent hours a day being active and never worried about what I put into my body because I knew I would be able to burn it off. Now as a full time college student with a part time job I feel there is not enough time to meet all the demands placed on me: Excel in the workplace, make good grades, get into grad school, make time for your boyfriend, maintain a social life...oh and while you are busy doing all of that, do not forget you need to prep healthy meals for the week and find time to workout everyday...There is no least this is what I tell myself when I slip up...It is a lie.

Yes meal prepping takes time, yes working out takes know what else takes time? Watching Netflix for an entire day (sadly I have done this on more than one occasion) I lie to myself and say that there is just not enough time in the day, but if you want something badly enough you will make the time. You will get up earlier, you will prep your snacks ahead of time so that when you are in a rush and need to grab something on the run, it can be carrots instead of chips, instead of meeting the girls for happy hour, you could meet the girls for walks in the park. There IS time, you just have to find it. This is the first thing you have to realize when you decide to begin a health journey. The second is this: Yes, right now you are a young 22 year old woman....but you will not always be. Your body is a machine and must be treated with care and properly nourished.

After constantly trying and failing at maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I am hoping that I have finally found something that works for me. My boyfriend and I are starting the Jamie Eason Live Fit program today (Did I mention it's free?!) The program is 12 weeks long and is broken down into 3 phases. The thing I love about this program is that it is set up to help you maintain this healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life. If you are looking for a program that doesn't require a lot of effort to be put in...this is not the one for you. So wish me luck, I will be documenting my progress/thoughts/struggles weekly, and I am hoping that this blog will help hold me accountable to giving my all to this program.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Kathie, and I know you can do it!! I believe that you can accomplish anything because of how motivated you are with everything you do in life!! Love you, and keep it up!
