Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Celebrate the little things

When you are going through the journey of completely changing your lifestyle it is important to give yourself a pat on the back whenever you see progress, no matter how small it is. This boost of confidence is the only thing that will keep you sane as you go through caffeine withdrawals or try to push through that last set of push ups. That being said, yesterday I finished week 1 of Jamie Eason's Live Fit program. On 12/2/13 I weighed in at 180.6, yesterday I weighed in at 177.8...it may not seem like a lot, but I am pretty proud of that number.

I cannot stress the importance of setting realistic goals for yourself, you cannot think that you will lose 10lbs in a week or you will just set yourself up for failure. You didn't gain all that weight overnight, you are not going to lose it overnight. This was my problem for years, if I did not see immediate progress I gave up. This time around I am trying to focus more on how I am feeling vs. how I look.

Today was chest/tricep day for me and I have already noticed a huge difference in upper body strength. Last week, I attempted pushups for the first time in who knows how long. I performed 3 sets of 12, but was unable to do all the sets in the plank position and had to resort to my knees and take many breaks in between (no shame in that). However, today  I was able to perform the entire set without getting on my knees. I still had to take a few breaks, but like I said it's progress!

Once you get through that mental block telling yourself you cannot finish that last rep or that you need a dr. pepper to get through your day, you will be surprised at what you can accomplish.

Have a healthy week!
XOXO- Kathie

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