Thursday, December 5, 2013

Just be happy!

In May, I was blessed with the opportunity to work with an amazing young man named Dan. He is 22 years old and is diagnosed with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities, but he is so much more than that. Dan is the most amazing person I have ever met. He is so full of life and love and is constantly showing me how to be a better person. It is so sad to me, when I take Dan out in public I constantly see the looks of sympathy from strangers that are thinking, "Oh, poor thing." It is funny that they feel so sorry for this boy, when really they should be jealous. Dan does what God calls each of us to do, show unconditional love for everyone. He will never have to know how horrible this world can actually be, he just goes about his day with a huge smile on his face. I have seen him grow so much in just the 6 months that I have been with him, and I know he can exceed the expectations placed on him, because Dan is secretly a genius. When you are a child everything is magical, you can be anything you want to be and you believe the best in everyone...why would anyone want to grow up?  As adults we tend to lose these ideas. We grow up and reality sets in, and unfortunately we find out that the world is not always fair. Sometimes it takes someone like Dan to show us what we are missing, so here are 6 simple ways to be happier with your life, according to Dan:

1.Take more naps

2. Ice cream makes everything better

3. It is OK to be a little silly sometimes

4. Smile more often

5. Give more love

6. And lastly...always root for the Aggies, WHOOP!

XOXO - Kathie

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Kathie- what a great post! Thanks for the reminder :)
