Thursday, March 6, 2014


I have been so absent lately due to school and work stressors and it really had me in a slump. I had to miss some workouts to attend study groups or because I was called into work and it definitely had me slipping into some bad habits. I wasn't getting enough sleep, I was skipping meals or making quick convenient food choices. I was finally able to get back on track this week and recommit myself!

I am not Catholic, but I have always been so fascinated with lent. Every year I would give up something (bread, soda, Facebook) this year the idea came to me from a Facebook page that I follow 'Britney Eats Clean.' I had been getting so down because though I was seeing some physical changes in my body I wasn't seeing that number change. It was like I needed to see it go down to reassure myself that all the work I was putting in was paying off. I had become a slave to my scale, so this year I am giving it up. I weighed in on Tuesday at 175 and after Easter I will pull it out again.  

I am not defined by the number on the scale and I need to take a break from it to remember why I started this journey, to become healthy. So yes, so far I have only lost 10lbs, but back in December during a physical my blood pressure was 139/90... Today I donated blood and my BP was 94/66. If that isn't motivation enough to get off your couch, I don't know what is!

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