Monday, January 27, 2014

Phase 1 recap

Whoop! I finally got over that 176 plateau I was stuck at (for almost 2 weeks might I add). I have lost 8lbs since changing my eating habits and committing to a consistent exercise routine. 8lbs in 6 weeks may not seem like a lot, but for the first 4 weeks of my journey I was focusing only on strength training and no cardio. Now that I am in Phase 2 of Jamie Eason's Live Fit program I have added in 30 minutes of cardio, 4X/week. I am hoping that now I will start seeing more progress, while keeping in mind that:

"I did not gain this weight overnight, I will not lose it overnight"

This has definitely become a journey, and one that I am extremely proud of. I am subtly noticing myself getting stronger and am actually finding myself enjoying working out. Eating correctly has been a little struggle.I do not really crave things that are unhealthy, but I just have to make time to prepare my meals in advance. It is true what they say though, your body craves what you give it. If you are constantly putting empty calories into your body that is what it will want, and vice versa.


I am a lover of music and believe that it can really make a workout more powerful, here are a few songs I have been listening to this week:
  • Mercy ~ Duffy (I love the beat of this song and it keeps me at a great pace when I run)
  • Girl in the Moon ~ Everly (amazing harmonies, and great for a stretching session)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Make a change

Recently I went to Guatemala to participate in a build for Habitat for Humanity. There are so many words to describe this trip, but the word that sticks out in my mind is humbling. The worksite that I was on was in charge of building a home that was about 300 sq. duplex is bigger than that! My first thought was, "wow that is tiny," but compared to the conditions they were currently living in, it was definitely a step up. I loved getting to know each member of the family, especially the children. We come from such a greedy generation. We want more, more, more and are never fully satisfied. Yet, these children who have nothing; no iPhone or tablet to play with, no television, no car, these are some of the happiest children I have ever seen.

I have grown so much from this trip and have realized how much I complain about even though I have everything I need. I think each of us can relate to at least one of the "First World Problems" meme... I know I can! In the future I hope to be able to participate in more trips like this one, and am even planning on going back to Guatemala this summer to volunteer.

Please don't think you have to go to another country to make a difference in someone's life. There are plenty of people in your community who could benefit from your kindness. There are many things you could do: donate clothing, get involved with a Boys and Girls Club, give to your local food bank and get involved with Habitat for Humanity in your community!

 1 John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.

Go make a difference! - XOXO, Kathie

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Beginnings

The new year always brings about a sense of hope and re-commitment to becoming healthy. Hundreds of people flock to the gym and everyone watches their calories....for the first month anyway. I have been very guilty of being this person as well, but until you decide how badly you want it, you will not follow through.

The important thing is to set realistic goals for yourself. When you put too much pressure on yourself to meet a large weight loss goal by a short period of time you are setting yourself up for failure. A healthy weight loss per week is 1-2lbs.

My health goals for 2014:
  • Change my mindset about food from just eating for pleasure vs. eating for what my body needs
  • Conquer my dependence on soda
  • Cut my mile time down to 8 minutes (currently 11 min.)
  • Cook more meals at home 
  • lose 30lbs
Good luck with your resolutions!
XOXO- Kathie