Friday, February 7, 2014

One day at a time

Some days I would rather sleep in an extra 15 minutes than wake up and take time to make breakfast, so when I am crunched for time my favorite on the go breakfast is a peanut butter and banana smoothie. It is so filling, plus it satisfies my sweet tooth craving. I use a MyBlend for my smoothies, it's convenient because you can just take the cup with you instead of having to transfer it to another glass (YAY for less dishes!)

For this smoothie I blended together:
  •  12 oz of unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 tbsp of PB2
  • 1 banana 
  • chia seeds
  • 3 ice cubs

Jeff and I decided to do an indoor cycle class for our last Kinese credit this semester, and it is definitely challenging! I am still trying to get my butt acclimated to the seat...I'm told it takes a while. If you don't already have a workout buddy I highly encourage you to find one, and ladies, do not be embarrassed to work out in front of your boyfriends. Working out together is a great way to bond and I have found that it actually makes me work harder (I'm a little competitive)

 We did some interval training in class today and had to partner up (can you guess who I chose? haha) One partner had to lay on the ground and do pushups until the cyclists made it .25 miles, and then turn over and do situps until .50miles, and so on until they had completed one mile. We did this twice through, and let me tell you...nothing makes you want to pedal faster than knowing someone is going to be down there doing pushups and sit ups until you finish. At one point, Jeff's face was so pained that I just gave it everything I had so he could stop! Needless to say, my legs feel like Jello right now, but it was a great workout!

I was so excited because I got to test out my new polar ft7 heart rate monitor in my class today. I have been doing my research and this is one of the best on the market, I love that it has a chest strap to give you a more accurate reading of heart rate and calories burned. I am not a crazy person when it comes to calories, but I do like to have an idea of how many I am consuming/burning off. There are 3500 calories in just one pound of fat, so if you want to lose 1 lb a week you would have to burn 500 calories a day. This could be done with a combination of working out/cutting out calories (obviously if you are consuming 1200 calories a day, I am not telling you to eat 500 calories smart about this).

If you are in need of a new song to stretch to, check out "I'm There Too" by Michelle Featherstone!